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Senior Pre-K Play School


This age requires more educational responsibilities, independence, and social development to prepare our children for school. 

At our senior Pre-K school in downtown Calgary, we focus on: 

1- Nurture the children’s essential needs in a healthy, loving and caring environment that will help them to grow strong both physically and mentally.
2- Developing the child's academic skills with a variety of activities.
3- More outdoor activities are planned to help children build and develop more knowledge about their community, country, and the world.
*Children must be toilet trained to be eligible for this program.


Our senior Pre-K playschool program in downtown Calgary concentrates on developing the child's academic skills with a variety of activities. By use of group and individual project work, the children expand their skills in mathematics, science, social, music, visual arts, drama, and languages. Through daily routines, qualified teachers teach children to apply their learning skills; such as reading, writing, and basic mathematics. The senior pre-K playschool program has a separate outdoor playground with age-appropriate play structures and various outdoor games. Weather permitting, outdoor activities will be scheduled twice a day (morning and afternoon).  


At the end of the week, there is a general overview of the child's activities and accomplishments in their folders. Worksheets are also provided for further learning. This age group is offered a program called the “reading club” where children choose a book from school or the library, teachers will then use one of these books for circle time. Books are sent home for the children to share what they have learned, with their parents/guardians. Planned activities are posted weekly and have different topics that are culturally and academically motivating. They are encouraged to recognize, name and trace numbers and letters. Circle time is interactive to develop the children’s expressive language through songs, stories, and games. 

Senior Preschool: Programs
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